Greetings Kennrod Family,
I hope 2021 is off to a great start for you! I am excited about what this year will bring as we strive to continue to support our students, families, and schools by offering tutoring services and continuing our Facebook Live-streaming Series. In addition, we hope to return to in-person sessions at our partner schools and field trips this fall. Of course, this will greatly depend of the status of the coronavirus.
Prior to the coronavirus, Kennrod held in-person meetings at our partner schools. Often times we would bring career professionals to the schools to speak with students and take part in planned activities. In consideration of safety, we postponed our in-person meetings and started the Facebook Live-streaming sessions in an effort to continue programming and stay connected to our stakeholders.
Please join us on Facebook on Wednesdays at 10:00AM as Dr. G and Pete Kane have an open discussion with special guests. The dates and guests are listed below:
1/20 - Dr. Michael O'Reilly - COVID Update
2/17- John Dawes- Retired Police Detective
3/24- Marshall McCade- Chick-Fil-a Owner
4/21- Michael Khan- Architect/Senior Designer
5/19- Phyllis Clerk- Assistant U.S. Attorney

Kennrod Inc is now on YouTube! Please check out our YouTube Channel and subscribe. Ask friends, family, and colleagues to do the same. We want to make it possible for our students and the greater community to be informed about various career fields as a part of our academic programming.
Kennrod will celebrate 5 years this December! We will keep you updated on ways that you can join us in recognizing all of the work that has been done in our effort to improve the lives of others.
Thank you for your interest and ongoing support!
My best,