Welcome to the start of the 2020-2021 school year! We are very excited about bringing you a monthly Facebook Live-streaming Series that we hope will be beneficial to you, your family, and friends.
COVID-19 has impacted all of us. Typically, we are able to meet in person with students, families, and the school community. Given our current circumstances, we are practicing social distancing and making an effort to stay connected through our social media outlets.

We recently kicked off the school year with Dr. Janice Gardner, of Cross Keys High School, and Dr. Dayton Hibbs (see photo) of Marietta Middle School. They joined us for our Back-to-School session (see via our Facebook page). We want to encourage each of you to tune in for other upcoming sessions that will be available this fall. All sessions take place on Wednesdays at 10:00am. Sessions last for about an hour with practitioners speaking about their work and sharing helpful information to our community. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us. There are opportunities to win door prizes as well.
See the scheduled sessions listed below:
September 23 - Banking Basics, with Keith Hardy
October 14 - Life Lessons and the NBA-G League, with Kyle Castlin
November 18 - An Insider Look at Media Branding and Sports Marketing, with Anslynn Capps and Antonio "AJ" McKinney
December 16 - Mental Wellness (A Holistic Approach), with Savannah Johnson
Be safe,