K - Knowledge
E - Excellence
N - Nonviolence
N - Network
R - Respect
O - Opportunities
D - Diversity

Dear Kennrod Community,
I am deeply saddened by the senseless murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbrey, Breonna Taylor and countless others at the hands of those who swore to "serve and protect." While our history has shown us the pain that Black Americans have endured since arriving over 400 years ago, the death of George Floyd brought years of violence, injustice, inequality, and discrimination to the forefront for the world to see. No human being deserved to die the way that George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbrey and Breonna Taylor did.
Please take a few moments to read and think about the Kennrod values noted above. Our values reflect our commitment to engage and teach all students the importance of caring for themselves, others and the greater community. We are an inclusive community because we know that our diversity makes us stronger. We value our differences as a way to grow and learn from one another. We care about one another and we express concern when there is a particular need. Today, our black students and families need us. Tomorrow or in the future, our white or latino students and families may need us.
We are all a part of the human race. Contrary to some beliefs, we are interdependent of one another. Kennrod exists to help make the world a better place. The world needs us now more than ever. Let's all do our part to denounce violence, injustice, inequality, and discrimination. Together, we can get on the other side of this pain by demonstrating genuine concern, love, kindness, and respect for all people.
Yours Truly,