What an exciting week! On Tuesday, we started with a career-focused field trip to the Georgia Capitol. Our students learned about the Capitol, Georgia History, and Georgia Government. Our tour guide, Tom, walked us through the hallways and explained everything including, but not limited to, Atlanta becoming the Capitol city, county names, the branches of government, and the two Georgia natives to earn the Nobel Peace Prize: Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. The highlights of our tour consisted of going into the Senate Chamber and the Governor’s Office. While we did not meet a legislator nor the governor, it was nice for everyone to be able to speak with staff about their roles and to be exposed to many aspects of law and politics. Several students expressed a desire to study these areas after high school. It was wonderful that Kennrod was able to positively contribute to their career aspirations.
We concluded the week today with the Parent Workshop Series: Financial Literacy. Designed to help empower parents through knowledge, Charlotte Geletka, Managing Partner with Silver Penny, engaged parents by giving them practical solutions to saving money and making wise investments. Our parents asked great questions and participated throughout the presentation. You all were amazing!
Special thanks to Roza (with Silver Penny) and Angelica (with Cross Keys) for helping to make the workshop go so smoothly!
Click on the links below to learn more about the Georgia Capitol and Silver Penny:
The experiences mentioned above highlight our belief that “student success can be achieved through the collective efforts of students, parents, teachers, school leaders, and community partners. #supportkennrod